
Health benefits of pepper


Pepper is called ‘black gold’. There can be no one who is unaware of the benefits of pepper. It is widely used not only in cooking but also in medicine. Pepper is an important ingredient not only in our country but also in almost all the dishes that can be cooked in the world. Pepper gives a good aroma and taste to food.

Pepper morphology

Pepper is a flowering vine plant that belongs to the plant family 'Piperaceae'. The vine of the pepper plant spreads the best aroma when the fruits are dry. The fruits are then plucked, dried, and used. The vine, leaf, and root of the pepper are useful parts. Kerala is the largest producer of pepper in the world.

History of pepper

There is various interesting historical information about pepper. In ancient times pepper was exported from Kerala to Arabia via the Arabian Sea. From there, it was shipped to European countries. The Europeans were more interested in our country's pepper and spices. So they searched for India by sea. Those who came to buy pepper gradually expanded the business and took over our country and took us.

Nutrients contained in pepper

Nutrients in 100 g of pepper,
Energy - 225 calories, Carbohydrates - 64.81 K, Protein - 10.95 K, Fat - 3.26 K, Fiber - 26.5 K, Vitamin A - 299 IU, Thiamine - 0.109 mg, riboflavin - 0.240 mg, niacin - 1.142 mg, vitamin C - 21 mg, vitamin E - 4.56 mg, vitamin K - 163.7 mg, sodium - 44 mg. Kg, Potassium - 1.25 kg, Calcium - 437 mg, Copper - 1.127 mg, Iron - 28.86 mg, Magnesium - 194 mg, Manganese: 5.625 mg, Phosphorus - 173 mg,
Zinc: 1.42 mg.

Types of pepper

There are two main types of pepper, black pepper, and tail pepper. Pepper fruits are dried and used all over the world as a spice, medicine, and food flavoring. Pepper comes in a variety of flavors, including black pepper, white pepper, red pepper, and green pepper. 

The alkalinity of pepper is formed by the chemical piperine in it. Powdered pepper can be found in kitchens all over the world.

Health benefits of pepper

May smoothening the functioning of the digestive organs. Increases the efficiency of the heart, lungs, lungs, and digestive tract. People suffering from asthma are advised to chew five peppercorns daily.

Breaking down toxins
The proverb is ‘If there are ten peppers, we can dine at enemy's home’. Pepper has the ability to break down toxins in food.

Helps with digestion

Pepper increases the body's production of hydrochloric acid and aids digestion. Pepper is also a good remedy for coughs, sore throats, and constipation.

Cognition increases

The peppermint in pepper stimulates the cognitive function of the brain. Thus enhancing memory. It also helps the brain to function better without aging. The result is the prevention of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, and aging.

Reducing blood clots

piperine, a substance found in pepper, helps to keep blood pressure in balance. piperine also has the property of absorbing the amount of curcumin-like substances present in turmeric, which helps the body to gain good strength.

Colds will go away

Ancestors discovered over 5000 years ago that pepper helps solve many health problems. Pepper helps in immediate solutions to problems like colds and coughs. Immediate relief from cough and cold is obtained when honey is mixed with pepper and consumed.

Chest mucus will go away

If you add honey or palm sugar with pepper, the cough will stop immediately. Add ten basil leaves, ten peppermint leaves, 200 ml water and bring to a boil and drink.

Reduce bodyweight

Pepper helps to reduce body weight. It helps prevent the accumulation of fat in the abdominal muscles and other parts of the body. Thus, weight gain is reduced and helps to achieve balanced body weight.

Respiratory problems will be solved

Pepper helps to alleviate problems like colds and coughs. It also removes blockages in the airways and helps to alleviate problems such as sinus and nasal congestion.

Constipation problem and diarrhea cured

Pepper helps the body secrete large amounts of hydrochloric acid and other digestive acids. These help in easy digestion of food items. Also prevents problems like constipation and diarrhea. Also, pepper helps to solve the problem of gas forming in the stomach.

Cures asthma

The anti-asthma properties of pepper can easily prevent asthma problems. Also cleans the trachea and makes breathing easier.

Fights infections

The antibacterial properties of pepper help in the fight against diseases. This reduces the spread of the disease and helps it to heal faster.

Eyesight is clear

Pepper helps greatly in clearing the eyesight. If eaten with ghee, it will improve the health of the eyes.

Increase the health of the teeth

The anti-inflammatory properties of pepper prevent the impact of bacteria and prevent tooth pain. Pepper is a good remedy for any ailment related to teeth and mouth.

Helps prevent cancer

The piperine in pepper helps prevent cancer. It also contains selenium, curcumin, beta carotene, and vitamin B which remove impurities from the intestinal tract. Thus preventing cancer in the intestinal and stomach areas.